Monday, January 4, 2010

Best of Dallas? Pizza edition.

What better place to start with than the place you live! So there are a few cuisines that are always debated among friends of what is the ‘best’ of. A few of us decide to take matters into our own hands and start putting restaurant reps, and our food credibility, on the line. First up: pizza!

Contenders: Prego’s, Garibaldi’s and local fav... Bryan Street Tavern.

To make all things fair, we decided to have agreed toppings half (pepperoni and mushroom) and the other half to have up to each submitter for creativity. Since the host(ess) had first dibbs and went with BST, we banked on Grimaldi’s (per Jeff’s request) and I did not feel comfortable hedging on an unknown. I take winning and food very seriously after all.

Best overall- Grimaldi’s (our submission!)
Best choose your own- BST (tavern favorite)

Next up: eggroll off! I’m putting my trophy on the line and backing Vietnam off Bryan/Live Oak.

What are some other delicacies we should debate?

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