Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cyber Health

This might just be my most random post.

Awhile back someone shared this site that monitors/gathers data from social sites like facebook and compiles all of this data into a fact sheet ranging from phone number to age to income.... scary. Just think of all the things you've foolish posted online? And someone* is keeping tabs on that? (Nervously bites lip)

So as a friendly reminder, for professional reasons now and in the future.... watch what you put out there.

Keep your privacy tips!
1. Make sure you understand your privacy settings (fb: account->privacy settings)
2. Remember that once its out there (work history, pics) it can be archived or stored by sites such as spokeo.com*
3. Delete old accounts, like an non functional myspace or friendster, if its still out there
4. And semi-related to keeping tabs on your cyber-self, get your annual check up! Check your credit score to make sure it is factual and nothing is tarnishing your good honest name! :)

Wishing everyone good cyber health!

More info: http://finance.yahoo.com/family-home/article/110663/6-things-you-should-never-reveal-on-facebook

1 comment:

  1. PS you can remove yourself from your "page" on Spokeo by following the link at the bottom of the page!
