Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Appy hump day!

I've been dabbling in photography for a few years, no fancy camera (yet, hint hint!) but I like to try to take natural shots of vacation scenery like the way a sun shines only in Maui or candid shots of my girls mid-laugh. I've downloaded a new app that I just love. It is Hipstamtic Camera and cost a few bucks but allows you to apply filters to your iPhone camera that give it more of an artistic edge.

The cost of a cup of coffee investment in this app sure seems easier to swallow than the few hundo for a basic Nikon camera.

Here are a few shots of my most favorite model, Diego.

More info on this app:


  1. i LOVE that app. it's so fun.
    and diego is such a cutie :)

  2. Thanks! Me too, he just did the Thank Dog photos for Paws today... it was so fun! Can't wait to see how the cat cards turn out this year.
